"The Medical & Science Committee shall undertake such projects as are requested by the Executive Board and Assembly, and shall propose an annual plan and potential projects to those entities for consideration and approval."
(AIDA Statutes, p. 11.6)
The responsibility of the Medical & Science Committee

Reviewing and updating the AIDA medical procedures and recommendations, management and reporting of freediving incidents, revision of the Rules with the Technical Committee, function as an Q&A-platform for the AIDA community, creating support for local medical teams, reviewing the AIDA training materials.

Development of new recommendations and learning materials under the global initiatives.

The life cycle of global initiative includes:
— determination of current needs, in co-operation with the Board, the AIDA Committees and the AIDA community
— defining topic content, execution timeframe and resource availability
— taking part in the AIDA Board approval process
— expert-based task execution
— entertaining discussions with the AIDA officers
— publishing research, results and advice towards the AIDA community.

Examples of the global initiatives during the last three years:

"AIDA Blackout Policy", "AIDA Squeeze Policy", "Medical Recommendations for Organizers of Depth Competitions", "Medical Examinations during the Competitions", "Management of Serious, Life-Threatening and Fatal Incidents", "Management of Medically- and Scientifically- Related Inquiries", "Doping Control Procedures for AIDA World Championships and World Record Attempts", etc.

Members of the Committee
  • Frederic Lemaitre
    Ph.D., Ass. Prof., Physiologist
    Medical & Scientific Support of AIDA Rules and Regulations
  • Oleg Melikhov
    Ass. Prof., M.D., Ph.D.
    The Russian Federation
    Chairman of the Committee
    Medical & Science Officer
    AIDA International
  • Juan Martin Valdivia Valdivia
    M.D., FAANS
    The United States
    Medical & Scientific Communication
  • Antonis Elia
    PhD, AFHEA, MSc, BSc
    Medical & Scientific Support of AIDA Education
Experts of the Committee
  • Prof. Costantino Balestra, Ph.D.
  • Jun Matsuno, M.D., ISMF
  • Hector Ruiz, M.D.
Honorary Members of the Committee
  • Thomas Ardavany, RN, NREMT-P
    The United States
Medical Documents and Procedures
Official AIDA documents, Recommendations of the Medical & Science Committee, Medical forms,
Procedures of the Committee

(click the box below)
AIDA Medical Manuals
AIDA Check List Safety
AIDA Medical Rescue Protocol
AIDA Squeeze Policy
Medical Assessment Forms
AIDA Medical Statement
Contraindications to Freediving
Incident Reporting Form

Serious Incident Reporting Forms

Yearly Incident Reports
Doping Control Procedures

Management of
anti-doping violations

Athlete Notification Form
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